John Carpenter is 62 years young today, which is about as old as I feel even though I'm like half that. But then JC doesn't have to work brunch all weekend and put up with people's hangovers and their coffee and their water and their mimosa and their diet coke. Anyway, pop in HALLOWEEN or the THE THING or THEY LIVE or something appropriately Carpenter and raise a glass to one of the greats!
Excuse me, uh, miss? I'D like another soda refill, please...
ReplyDeletehahahahahha j/k, ☻ anyway, I agree, Happy B-day to John Carpenter. He may have lost some of his genre power over the past few years, but his fairly long string of absolute classics can never be fucked with. Cheers!
No more soda for you, Astro. And no more soda or coffee or anything for anyone, at least until I have to get up and do it all again tomorrow. You would think they would be intimidated to ask me, as I am covered in tattoos and very surly in demeanor, but NO! They are relentless!
ReplyDeleteI read an interview with Carpenter once where he said he enjoyed doing Masters of Horror because he was old now and it was only an hour in length, so he could get away with being lazy. I appreciate that!
Woohoo JC! Good suggestions, I could go for some They Live right about now.
ReplyDeleteAw man, I love THEY LIVE so much. The ultimate punk rock movie, fo sho!
ReplyDeleteNow if we could just get him to stop smoking so we will see him another 62 years!
ReplyDeleteI raised quite a few glasses to Mr Carpenter last night and I might watch Escape from New York later. Any luck with the pissed-off looking white stoat, Jenn? Not everyday you get to ask someone something like that. ;o)
ReplyDeleteCan he make They Live 2? We need a sequel!
ReplyDeleteJohn Carpenter is a true horror legend, it's just a shame that his later output didn't match his early years.
ReplyDeleteStill "The Thing" is without a doubt one of the scariest films ever made, followed closely by "Halloween"....We salute you good sir!!
@James. Unfortunately, I was outbid on the stoat because I was at work at couldn't check my auctions. There's gotta be an iPhone app for that, you would think. Ah well. I just want to know what other weirdo out there wants to give a home to mean looking dead white weasel. I need to know this person. We'd clearly be BFF's.
ReplyDelete@thejadedviewer. I dunno - I think THEY LIVE is perfectly perfect and a sequel now might not be the best thing. You can watch the cripple fight from South Park - it's kind of a remake.
@Elwood. Carpenter's career is at least more consistent than Tobe Hooper's. And yes, THE THING is still scary as hell.
ReplyDeleteTHEY LIVE is one of my favs. Love the social com on the 1980's and all and how it has a big brother type of thing going on with the aliens. makes you think that the mighty right wing is nothing but people from outer space. Sarah Palin anyone? I remember you talking about him loving MOH b/c it was easy for him to just do an hour long film b/c he is old now.
I still get freaked out by THE THING. Its just still scary to me I saw it as a kid when a baby sitter let my brother and I stay up and watch it on HBO. I think I had nightmares for days.
BTW I think his daughter is foxy and I love her on Dexter. She has such a potty mouth.<3
BTW can I get a refill miss?
JenN: I could watch his version of The Thing about six times in a row. That movie still makes me feel feel great about life. -- Mykal
ReplyDeletePS: Where's my fries? (sorry, pal).
ReplyDeleteI`ve seen "They Live" over 200 times where-as i`ve never been able to sit through "Reservoir Dogs" even once (i`m not kiddin), but why did i make that specific comparison i hear you ask, well Jenn (you incredible gorgeous little darlin`) i made it to prove that John Carpenter is God and Quentin Tarantino is a pile of garbage, i trust you agree!!!.