Tuesday, January 4, 2011


I wanted to take some cute pictures of Deniro and myself. Nir, as we call her, doesn't get much airplay on the blog because Moochie and Soap Sud always usurp her here, as they do in real life. Poor Nir - she always is the last to eat, get treats, and the catnip is always finished by the time she gets there. The photo shoot did not go so well and she tried to jump over my head. She then proceeded to get back up on the table and cleanse the human stink from her clawless paws. I love this cat. She doesn't meow - she says 'Nyang!'


  1. I wish she cooperated better. She's not a cooperative cat, unless there's treats involved. :)

  2. Like the little kid who can't stay clean for school pictures and when they do get him in front of the camera he keeps making faces.

  3. Dude, finally bought Terror Circus on your recommendation. Awesome.

  4. Clearly, Deniro simply isn't comfortable with this kind of media circus. "Nyang, screw this."

  5. Tell her sister is a huge jerk now, and gets Froggie all day long.

  6. So adorable. Think the third one is my fave.

  7. She says "Nyang?" Could possibly be a reincarnated Vietnamese.

  8. She says 'nyang' instead of 'meow.' It's really funny and weird and she sounds pissed off but she's not. It's just her voice. I've come to accept it :)

    Thanks everyone for their comments on 'Nir. She's blushing right now.

  9. such a cute kitty! they all are. I love splotch nose kitties. My all black girl kitty meers at me :D
