Here are the new additions to our VHS collection:
THE NIGHT AFTER HALLOWEEN from Magnum Entertainment. Big box. I haven't seen this one, but I'm hoping it's the Ozsploitation cash in on HALLOWEEN, which is much sought after.
DR. FRANKENSTEIN'S CASTLE OF FREAKS. Another big box, but in a clamshell.
ALIEN PREDATOR from TransWorld. I know I've heard of this one, but I need more research.
THE RIPPER. Directed by Tom Savini. United World Home Video. Another big box. Can't turn down the big boxes.
THE PACK. Warner Home Video. Clamshell. Still beautiful even in that Warner Home Video packaging. Think I know of this one as well. It's gotta be werewolves. And I love me some werewolves.
KING KONG. A gatefold! From Paramount. We have ever version of any KING KONG movie known to man due an obsession of Sam's so this is extra special!
BAD GIRL'S DORMITORY. Active Home Video (?) It's a big box and it's uncut and it has bad girls and a dorm, so it's gotta be gold, right?
MASTER CLASSICS (Kung fu). Big box. USA Home Video.
SNAKE AND CRANE: ARTS OF SHAOLIN. All Seasons Entertainment. Big box.
SEVEN BLOWS OF THE DRAGON. Warner Home Video. Big box
DUEL OF THE SEVEN TIGERS. TransWorld. Big box.
SCORE, motherfuckers! It was the perfect night. We had some amazing Thai food and then went to the old school video store. It smells all gross and good like an old school video store should. And since they ain't doing so hot business-wise, they'll sell me their VHS for cheap. And it used to not be this way. I used to have to haggle and pretend I didn't know what the hell I was talking abut. I think we got all the aforementioned for like twenty bucks plus tax. Some horror for me and some Kung Fu and KONG for Sam. It's a beautiful thing! I don't even care about Kung Fu movies but if they're in a big box, I'm salivating!
And no Cavalcade post would be complete without a cat. Here's Moochie choosing his favorite of the new additions. He's going for THE RIPPER, the Tom Savini creation, because he's heard Tom's name before and wants to go for something he can talk about later and sound like he knows what he's talking about.
Moochie's like that.